Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Your assignment today is to read an online source, take notes, and revise your answer to the question "Why have American's sought to remember the Great Depression?"

Start by going to this website:

  • Choose ONE topic (Right side of the page) to read carefully.

  • In MS Word, take notes using a chart like this one to the right

  • Print and turn in the chart by the end of the period.

For HW and Due Monday:

Revise and type your asnwer to the question above, using all the new information you have.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're starting a Novel!

Last Friday, the 9th graders took a test on the 4 short stories we've read in class. Now, we're moving on to Of Mice and Men, a short novel by John Steinbeck.

Tonight, students are to read and annotate chapter 1, pgs 1-15. They were to have 12 annotations total.

For the next 3 weeks, you should see this novel coming home with your student!