Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What did you think?

Which of the Survivor poems was your favorite? Use your knowledge of the Holocaust and poetry to explain why this poem speaks to you.

  • Use the "comment" option and respond.
  • Under "Choose an Identity" please choose "Name/URL"
  • In the "Name" box, type your FIRST and LAST name.
  • If you don't, I can't give you credit!!!!

    Only those posts that 1) have proper grammar, spelling and mechanics, and 2) make thoughtful statements about the poetry will be posted. This is worth 10 points. An unposted comment will earn a 5 or less.


Anonymous said...

The poem that speaks to me is "The Creed of the Holocaust Survivor. This poem speaks to me because I'm a very religious person and I have strong beliefs in God. The Jewish people stood on their faith and also trusted in God and they never gave up. They always had faith that they would survive the Holocaust and they did survive because they continually believed in their selves.

Boss Lady said...

The poem that spoke to me the most was "Homeland." This poem spoke to me the most because when thinking about the Holocaust, I tend to mostly think about the mass murder of adults, but this poem showed me that children weren't exempt. This poem really moved me. I was extremely disturbed and saddened.

Anonymous said...

"Unanswered...?" was my favorite poem. The poem really makes you think about peoples' life in the Holocaust and outside of it. It makes us think about our lives now, while still pertaining to the hardships of the Holocaust. For example, lines like "Will my life serve a purpose?
Was it carefully planned
Or is destiny adding one more granule of sand?" speak to me, and force me to think about life general.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poem is "Homeland". The poem Homeland is so sad and deep.This poem speaks to me because those Jewish children were tricked into getting killed instead of being fed. That was so sad and it makes youy angry at thre same time. this poem also teaches you a lesson;You have to be thankful and grateful for life itself and not to take it for granted.

Anonymous said...

"Unanswered....?," is my favorite poem because it captures the emotion of a bewildered person who wants to forget but doesn't know if he or she can or not.

Anonymous said...

The two survivor poems that were my favorite was "UNANSWERED....?" and "The Archivist". Both of these poems speaks to me because it showed me how life really was during the Holocaust. It also shows me how people would never forget the experience of the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

"The Creed Of a Holocaust Survivor"

This poem speaks to me because it lets me know that even though people were being killed despite of all of that she believed in God and trusted that she would be thankful just to life

Anonymous said...

I liked "The Archivist" by Lois E. Olena the most. It was an odd poem and was hard to understand. It was interesting how the author used examples of what we do today and compared it to what happened to them then. The author showed how sad they were in the camps and out of it.

Anonymous said...

One of the poems that spoke to me was "Homeland", it spoke to me because this event happen on X-mas eve and the fact that she had to see this with their own eyes.

Anonymous said...

Out of all the Holocaust poems that were assigned to read, my favorite poem was "UNANSWERED....?"
by Dunio Bernhaut.It was one of the shortest poem,however it had a strong message and it was to the point. I appreciate when a poem is short and keeps my attention because I focus more on the sample of literature and able to comprehend what is going on if it is interesting.

Anonymous said...

I like the poem "Homeland" because it talked about Jewish orphans that were brutally killed by Nazi soliders and had their bodies tossed into the river. This poem speaks to me because it shows how horribly they treated children. Another poem that I like was "Behind the Monastery." I liked this poem because it mentions a woman running from her death but she also sees many of her loved ones die. This poem speaks to me because it tells that i order for 1 person to be freed many will have to die.

Anonymous said...

The poem that I like is The Creed Of A Holocaust Survivor. I like this one because it tells about what he believes in and what God believes in life and what it should be.

Anonymous said...

This poem speaks to me because it's really deep and it makes me feel like I am siting there and watching these events happen. It gives in detail the happenings of the holocaust. It's sad but it's reality.

Anonymous said...

The name of the poems that spoke to me are "UNANSWERED....?" by Dunio Bernhaut and "I CANNOT FORGET THE ACTION IN THE GHETTO OF ROHATYN, MARCH 1942." by Alexander Kimel- Holocaust Survivor. The reason why Unanswered spoke to me is because I have so many questions that run through my head about horrible situations that I have experienced and it has seemed that people can't give me an answer to any of these questions. All I seem to do is wonder what could have happened if the situations didn't occur, but I never regret what happened in December of 2008.

"I Cannot Forget" spoke to me because in my personal life I can never forget things that happened to me that were or could have been life changing. I try to love like to the fullest, but sometimes that seems just not to work. I cry....cry myself to sleep everynight because I simply can't forget that heartbreak and anger I have endured in the last four months. I understand this person because things that happened in my life that were important to me seemed not to be important to no one else.

Anonymous said...

The poem that I like the most was "I can't forget." It was the one that had the most information and told exactly how the people who were in the Ghettoe Camps

Anonymous said...

I found myself liking the poem "AUSCHWITZ." Because I feel like the writer really expresed in this piece, it was quite unique the way that he didn't hold any feelings back.

I like the poem "Unanswered"also because It felt like the writer was trying to get us to feel what he was feeling at the time. Its like he wanted us to see the situation from his point of view.

Anonymous said...

Out of all of the poems, my favorite was "Unanswered...?" This poem was very straight forward and honest about the hard ships that people had to go through during the Holocaust. The imagery and literary techniques in this poem are used beautifully. The fact that it is so heart felt and relatable makes the poem enjoyable to a wide audience. I think others will enjoy it as well.

Anonymous said...

The poem I think that speaks to me the most is I CANNOT FORGET.I think this because the poem really is putting the truth out there basically. It talks about what things went on during the Holocaust, how mothers couldn't find anything to eat for their children and families are breaking apart. This poem is very depressing because this was the truth that many Jews faced at that time.

Anonymous said...

My favorite peom wass ghetto uprising. I like this one because it showed what the prisoners felt and their thoughts on what happened. It speaks to me by showing that I shouldn't take things for granted because it can all end at any point in life.

Anonymous said...

The poem that i read and i enjoyed the most was "I Cannot Forget" by Alexander Kimel. I like this poem because it shows how much this experience has become a part of who he is today. Although he might want to forget the holocaust and all the horrible things he may have seen, he can't. This tells me what type of effect was placed upon all people that were involved in the Holocaust. These memories will be with him always, and he uses detailed descriptions in his poem to express them. When he talks about children being separated from their families this shows me that Kimel may have had a personal separation during the Holocaust. I like this poem because it's detailed and shows many emotionss that were in the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Many of these poems were disturbing, terrifying, graphic, and truly sad.The thought that people lived through such harsh living conditions really leaves me surprise. Two poems that I felt the most emotion from were "I CANNOT FORGET" by Alexander Kimel who was a Holocaust survivor and "UNANSWERED....? by Dunio Bernhaut. Both of these poems state of how the horrible things that happened to them and others during the Holocaust will never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

The surviver poem called "I Will Never Forget" by Alexander Kimel a Holocaust Survivor was my favorite poem because it captured the depression and sadness the Jews had during the war and the way the Nazi Soldiers treated them. I also liked this poem because the writer wasn't afraid to expose the truth about what the experience in concentration camps were like and what the Jews had to endure.This poem was also very interesting and factual.

Anonymous said...

THe Poem that I liked the best was
"We Will Never Forget-Auschwitz" by Alexander Kimmel, I like this poem because it was descriptive, and it used a lot of personification to describe the cruel harsh treatments of the Holocaust

Anonymous said...

The poem that I liked the most was "Unanswered." I really liked this poem because he wrote how he really felt and it really touched me. He said some true things about how he wanted to forget but he couldn't. That was a great and touching poem. Another poem I enjoyed was "Monument at Moriah." This poem expressed how the children weren't able to get a chance to live there lives and that was really sad. The poem was excellent and touching as the other poem. They both were wriiten so well.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poem was I cannot forget. This poem spoke to me it had a lot of emotion in it. It also gave off a lot of information. while reading the poem it made me feel like i was there, almost as if this was happening to me.

Anonymous said...

Shaquille Williams said ....

"The Creed Of a Holocaust Survivor" is my favorite peom because it talks about how a person believes that even though their is blood and destruction in the world that their is still good in people. Also that man will come together and be there for one another.

Anonymous said...

i really liked the poem " The Creed" because it was a positive influence on the way that many survivors felt. I felt as if I learned somthing new because it was more than getting hit and talked about. This poem took another side of it and made it a happy site :).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The poem that i like best was The Archivist I liked this poem alot because it was very expressive and bold an it let you see the mood that peroson who wrote this poem was and and how he or she felt
And I also liked UNANSWERED....? alot!!!

Anonymous said...

After reading the Holocaust poems I found that the poem "Homeland" spoke to me the best.Since, I have previous knowledge about the Holocaust the poem gave a more graphic and harsh reality to the massacre. By reading this poem it made me think about small children that are special to me,and how they are so lucky that the didn't have to undergo deaths like the children of the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

The poem that speaks to me is "Homeland" because it was so sad that those orphaned little children had to die the day before Christmas just because they were Jewish. I think that it is disgusting that someone could kill innocent children in cold blood. This poem helps me realize that I am blessed to still be alive and have my parents.

Anonymous said...

The poem i spoke to me most was I C A N N O T F O R G E T.I liked it most because he spoke about the people dying and how they cannot forget but remember what happened so that it will not happen again.

Anonymous said...

The poem that spoke to me the most was the poem "Homeland." I said this because it's showing how cold-hearted and careless the SS men were but also how they catered to every need of Hitler. I'm sure that it may have hurted them to kill the little children but they were selfish and didn't let that care overcome them into doing something right for someone.

Anonymous said...

The poem that speaks to me the most is "The Creed Of A Holocaust Survior". This poem speaks to me because it show that even though he was going through a hard time he kept his faith in God. He also knew that the Nazis had a choice to do the right thing, yet some still did the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

The poem that really got to me the most was "unanswered" that got to me the most because she could never forget what they did to her and how they did it to her and it was really sad and unfair and i could really relate to her in my own life.

Anonymous said...

The poem that speaks to me the most is "We Will Never Forget-Auschwitz." This poem speaks to me because it's sad how the Jews were so desperate to be fed. How they fought eachother to go to the gas chamber thinking they were being taken care of. Then their fat was used to make soap just shows how they weren't treated as humans, but as animals or lower. This shows me how lucky I am to have all that I do have today.

Anonymous said...

The peom that speacks to me is the poem "Unanswered". This poem speacks to me because it shows me that the people involved in the Holucust will never forget what happened to them and they would have to live with it for the rest of their lives even if they try to if they try to forget they never will.

Anonymous said...

All of these poems had something that i liked but "Unanswered" by Dunio Bernhaut stood out. I was my favorite because it was not only a quality poem but through the ryhmes a good message was passed through to the reader. It captured the feelings that he was going through and i gave answers for all of the questions he was thinking. It was informing and well written.

Anonymous said...

Im not going to sugar coat it "Ghetto Uprising" it really go to me. From how Evely Roman told the story about the fighting, blood shead, and lifes lost it really made me feel like i was their with him fighting in the uprising.

Anonymous said...

the two poems that speaks to me is "The creed of a holocaust survivor" because i can relate to it in this way itoo believe with all my heart that man was created in the image of GOD.I also, can relate to the "unanswered" because you should never forget what you go through you should just put it behind you.

Anonymous said...

The poem called "UNANSWERED" by DUNIO BERNHAUT was my favorite poem because it talks about how they will always remember the past and how it has an effect on their life today. The writer is wondering will they ever be the same again. This poem is trying to basically ask someone are they worth living and can they really move on from the past. The writer wants someone to answer their call, so they can know if the past can really be put behind them. It gave me insight on how people who lived during the Holocaust really feels and the things they are struggling with.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poem is "We Will Never Forget" because I admire the way the poet uses allusions to explain the evil of the Nazi Soldiers, and how he words how desperate the Jews were just to get some food, but they ended up being slaughtered. The way Kimel describes the setting (unfortunately) enables you to picture the sad scene inside of a gas chamber very cleary.

Anonymous said...

"WE WILL NEVER FORGET – AUSCHWITZ" by Alexander Kimel tells me about the life that he had to live because of a mad man named Hitler, who showed publically how he felt about the jews that they should be exterminated, thinking it was what God really wanted, to see people being torchered and ripped to pieces by dogs as he said in paragraphs one and two, but I to will never forget this very tragic loss of thousands.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poem was "Unanswered...?" by Dunio Bernhaut. He wonders if he'll ever forget the crual things he had to witness and the harsh things he had to do during the Holocaust. He will never forget the unbarable things he experienced.

Anonymous said...

The poem that got my attention was "Unanswered....?" because it's about a Holocaust survivor struggling to forget his past (the Holocaust). He tries very hard, and at the same time, he wonders about how his life will be. He wonders if he'll ever get over the past and be happy again. It's really sad. Plus, I like poems that rhyme, so that's the other reason I like this poem.

Anonymous said...

I found these poems sad only because it is hard to believe that there were people who actually had to go through these things. The 2 poems that stuck out the most to me were "Unanswered....?" by Dunio Bernhaut and "I Cannot Forget" by Alexander Kimel. "Unanswered....?" stuck out at me because it is saying how he can't know a true life of happiness without thoughts of the past. It also says how he wonders if in the future he is going to have to go through more pain. "I Cannot Forget" stuck out at me because it talks about how the people who had to endure everything at the camps can never forget the things they had to go through so why should we continue our lives not knowing the same.

Anonymous said...

The poem that spoke to me was "Unanswered" by Dunio Bernhaut. This peom is my favorite because it talks about all these questions that heb has that will remain unanswered. But there is one question that he knows he can answer, which is that he will nevere forget and will always remember. I loke this poem because I can feel Dunio pain. He has all these questions that will probably not be answered , and he wants to forget but knows he can't. it's hard I believe when a terrible experience happens to you and you want to forget, but can't becasue it's so terrible

Anonymous said...

The poem that really spoke to me was " I CANNOT FORGET" by Alexander Kimel. This poem put alot on my mind. When i was reading this poem i was really there during the Holocaust. This poem really tapped into the psycological realm of the victims of the holocaust. I gained a full understanding of the thoughts of these people. The imagery of this poem helped me really break down and analyze this poem to the point where i could visualize what exactly was going on. "Cries of the wounded, begging for life..." I wanted to touch on this specific line because this was the first of the many lines that stuck out to me. When i sat back and thought about how this tied in with the victims of the Holocaust, i cold almost imagine being there and hearing the cries. It made me think, how could something like this happen, and how could it get this far? This poem speaks to me becaues it shows me how these people suffered and the effects of it. From this poem, i can truely say that i am convinced and i will not forget.

Anonymous said...

The most interesting poem was "THE CREED OF A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR".The poem tells a powerful speach that connects to the world. Believing is a hard thing to do for alot of people,but when trust or express your hardships and pain things that are kept inside become opened up to other people. This peom has told me alot and this is a assumption of what i learn form the peom

Anonymous said...

The poem that I read was talking about how a survivor was angered that HItler Decide to be God. In the poem it explained how HItler acted like he was GOd by killing mostly all the Jews.

Anonymous said...

I liked the poem "I Cannot Forget". It shows that the poet went through a lot.I was especially touched on the last line,"No. I Have to Remember and Never Let You Forget" That was my favorite part.

Anonymous said...

The peom that spoke to me the most was the poem "unanswered?." This poem spoke to me the most because it mad me feel like I actually was there during the holocaust. I actually felt for a moment what the people who lived during the holocaust felt.

Anonymous said...

Joshua Lang said my favorite poem was "Unanswered...?" I say this because it made it's point and made you think about how horrible the Holocaust was. Also it explained how the event was so terrible it was unforgettable. It left a feeling on me to appreciate everything in life because things like the Holocaust can happen.

Anonymous said...

The best poem was "We will never forget" best this poem amkes you see the sad side of the Holocaust by decribing the effects of death and how they felt about all of the bad things that happened to them. Also it puts a picture in my head of the terrible things they dealt with.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poem was"I Cannot Forget" by Alexander Kimel because this poem expresses the anger that the Holocaust has caused them to suffer. The poem matches the tilte because the Holocaust is something that they will always remember and will never forget.

Anonymous said...

In the poem UNANSWERED....? by DUNIO BERNHAUT. It is very powerful to me. It basically tells you how he is struggling, and how painful it is to remember the memories of the holocaust. And how life would be much easier if he didn't remember.

Anonymous said...

The poem that spoke to me the most was "The Creed". this poem spoke to me because after all the things the speaker had to go through she didnt give up her faith. She kept believing in God hopin that one things will get better.

Anonymous said...

My favorite poems were "I Cannot forget" and "The creed of a Holocaust Suvivor". These two poems spoke to me because there are things in my life that has happen to me that i don't want to remember, but can't forget. There are times when i lose my way and the second poem helped me realize where to put all of my pain.(in God's hands)

Anonymous said...

The peom "Homeland" was my favorite because it showed how the children were mistreated and killed during the holocaust.It speaks to my because innocent kids were taken away from their parents and starved to death or killed on the spot.

Anonymous said...

The poem entitlied "I can never forget" is the poem that moved me the most. My reason for chosing this poem is because it makes me feel as if I am standing in front of the speaker. The poet speaks with rage and frustration like many Jewsish civilians felt during such a hard time. This poem also rekindles what I learned in class about the Ghetto's and the inhumane conditions within them.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading all the poems but the one that touched me the most was "The Creed of A Holocaust Survivor." This poem was the most uplifting poem to me. This poem explained how people had to face difficulties and destruction in their lives during the Holocaust. He explains the type of things he and other religious groups had face. Further, it amazes me how he kept so much faith and belief in God during this time.It must have been very hard for him to keep so much faith and take care of himself at the same time. He had to be a couragous fighter and great believer in God. This poem has inspired me to look at things from other points of veiw then just looking at the negative side of things.

Anonymous said...

The poem that spoke to me was the poem "UNANSWERED". The reason why this poems speaks to me because in a way I can relate to it because there are a lot of questions in life that are unanswered and there is nothing we can do about it. It also speaks to me because it is very depressing that the German soldiers,SS soldiers ,and Nazi soldiers did this with no remorse. I just wish that I would be able to answer these questions that ponder on the minds of the people that went through this tragic event.

Anonymous said...

The poem I like is "The Creed of the Holocaust Survivor. I like this poem because it is very encouraging. It personally encourages me to press on through all of my hardships. I think that the writer of this poem is a very ourages person.

Anonymous said...

The Poem that i liked the most was "I can not Forget." I like this poem because it doesn' ttry and sugar coat the Holocaust it gives it to you straight, and that is the first thing that attracted me to this poem. And the fact that this poem is based off of questions is just pure Genuis. It shows me the live in the ghettos. How people were killed in front of EVERY ONE and their dead bodies were left there to be veiwed by the otheres. This poem shows the true hardships of the Holocaust amd how the people were treated. This poem as also showed me the value of my life and and how easily it can be taken away from me. So, this poem has taught me a life long lesson, that i will carry for the rest of my life.