Thursday, April 17, 2008

Theme for English 1, Quarter 4

Below are the directions I gave you in class. Furthermore, remember:

  • The topic of the poem is...
  • 1--who are you?
  • 2--what has changed about you since we've studied the Holocuast?
  • 3--what are you going to do with this new you and new information?

Read Langston Hughes Poem:

This is a very famous poem. You may be wondering what this has to do with our study of the Holocaust. Well, directly, nothing. However, I want to use Mr. Hughes’ format. The format of “Theme for English B” explores self. Our poem will be a bit different; I’d like you to write a “Theme for English 1, Quarter 4.” The first stanza could be:

  • My teacher said,
  • Go home and write
  • a page tonight.
  • About how our studies have affected you---
  • Then, it will be true.

Are you following me? I want you to write a poem that explores your personal response to learning about the Holocaust. Some questions to help you get started are: How does this information make you feel? Why do we still learn about the Holocaust? What has changed about you since you’ve learned about the Holocaust? How can we stop genocide in the world?

Details: Your poem should be 15-25 lines. You can handwrite it tonight. Put yourself in the poem—remember, you’re the future; what are you going to do with what you’ve learned through our study of the Holocaust? Due in class tomorrow.

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